Welcome!!! Welcome!!! Welcome!!!

We have a Facebook group and an Instagram page.

Wheel House Warriors group is a non profit group that was created to bring all Wheel House Owners together. It doesn’t matter which brand you own.

Even those that don’t currently own a wheel house are welcome!

Maybe we can inspire you to purchase one, or maybe you just have questions and want tips on what to purchase.This group was created to build a community. Whether we are on the ice or land.

We all love to fish, hunt, ATV, and camp in our wheel houses.

I ask that all be respectful to one another, this page is about community.

If you are a small family owned business, I welcome you to the group also. You are free to advertise your business, but please limit your posts. I ask that if you post as a business you support us by donating or contributing when we have events.

Lastly, politics need to stay off this page! I don’t care what side your on, who you voted for, are voting for and I certainly don’t care what you identify as! If it gets political it will be deleted. Let’s just all co-exist in this ONE thing… our wheel houses and how much we love them!

I look forward to meeting you on the ice… or land.. and I truly look forward to making this page grow!! So please share with your friends and family!

Welcome to being a Warrior!

Karina Johnson – Founder

Any use of our names or logos is prohibited without our consent

Need Swag? Online Store is Open!

Our new online store is open!  Grab all the Swag you need.  And don’t forget Birthday gifts for those special Warriors in your life!

Donations Welcome!

Thank You in advance for your donation.  By clicking the button below you will open a Donation window at our account at Square.com.

Donate Now!

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